Build your own ide with nodejs and reactjs

Build your own ide with nodejs and reactjs


So, build this ide using nodejs and reactjs so let me start by first explaining to you how I implemented functionality to compile and execute Java program with input so here is the code snippet

exports.compileJavaWithInput = function (envData, code, input, fn) {
  var dirname = uuid.createId();
  path = "./codes/" + dirname;

  fs.mkdir(path, 0777, function (err) {
    if (err) console.log(err.toString().red);
    else {
      fs.writeFile(path + "/", code, function (err) {
        if (err) console.log("ERROR: ".red + err);
        else {
          console.log("INFO: ".green + path + "/ created");
          fs.writeFile(path + "/input.txt", input, function (err) {
            if (err) console.log("ERROR: ".red + err);
            else {
              var command = "cd " + path + " & " + " javac";
              exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
                if (error) {
                    "INFO: ".green +
                      path +
                      "/ contained an error while compiling"
                  var out = { error: stderr };
                } else {
                  console.log("INFO: ".green + "compiled a java file");
                  var command = "cd " + path + " & java Main < input.txt";
                  exec(command, function (error, stdout, stderr) {
                    if (error) {
                        "INFO: ".green +
                          path +
                          "/ contained an error while executing"

                      if (
                          .indexOf("Error: stdout maxBuffer exceeded.") != -1
                      ) {
                        var out = {
                            "Error: stdout maxBuffer exceeded. You might have initialized an infinite loop.",
                      } else {
                        var out = { error: stderr };
                    } else {
                        "INFO: ".green +
                          path +
                          "/ successfully compiled and executed !"

                      var out = { output: stdout };

In this code:

  • The function takes four parameters: envData, code, input, and fn.

  • It generates a unique directory name using uuid.createId() and assigns it to the dirname variable.

  • The path variable is set to the directory path where the Java files will be stored.

  • The function creates a directory using fs.mkdir with the specified path and permissions of 0777.

  • It then writes the code (Java source code) to a file within the directory using fs.writeFile.

  • Additionally, it writes the input to an input.txt file within the directory.

  • The function compiles the file by executing the command "cd " + path + " & " + " javac" using exec.

  • If there is an error during the compilation, it logs an error message and calls the fn function with an error object.

  • If the compilation is successful, it executes the Main class with the provided input by executing the command "cd " + path + " & java Main < input.txt" using exec.

  • If there is an error during execution, it logs an error message and calls the fn function with an error object.

  • If execution is successful, it logs a success message, and the fn function is called with an output object containing the program's output.

  • I hope it's clear further you will understand by looking at the repo and if you know the basics of nodejs and react.js then you will have no problem understanding it